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We Reviewed The Haze Vaporizer (Dual 2.5)

Because we were already working on putting together our review of version 3, which we've since published on our website, we decided to put together our thoughts on Haze 2.5 and publish the review not on our website, but on our blog. We did this in part because we wanted to focus on our review of Haze V3 and also because we didn't really want to put the effort into creating a comprehensive review for it, which is what we strive for our site (comprehensive reviews). So we just quickly compiled our thoughts and although a bit scattered, put them on paper and published them online for all of you to see. This way, even though we don't intend--at least not at this time--on putting together a complete review for the old version, version 2.5, you can still see what we have to say about it. We didn't spare much in reality, we just didn't go through the effort of detailing all of the specs and other technical information because it's a bit too much of a hassle when we're already working on reviewing some newer, much more interesting vaporizers like the Pax 3 - a review which we'll have to you all sooner than later.

To summarize a bit of what we said in our Haze 2.5 review, we basically note that while it's an awesome little vape that has all of the benefits of your average portable and then some, it is basically an inferior product when compared to its successor, the new Haze 3.0, which is basically the same thing, only vastly improved. In the new version, pretty much anything we had to complain about has been resolved. Props to its manufacturer, Haze Technologies, for that. They really did a good job fixing everything that we thought was wrong with the last one. But for those who still want to buy it, the old version that is, it's still not a bad option. It definitely works and it works well but when it comes to cleaning, well, let's just say that you have some work cut out for you and if you don't keep up with it, you may be sorry for one reason or another. For some, us included, there's a bit of an issue with the mouthpiece sticking / getting stuck, but if you clean it regularly and make sure to spend extra time cleaning the area where the mouthpiece goes in, you shouldn't have any issues. That said, this is a pretty cool vape and one of the things that we like best is its dual bowls. We thought they might just be a gimmick but when you use it, you'll definitely understand that it's not a gimmick - it's awesome. Plus, you can pack each one with a different blend. How cool is that? If you ask us, the answer is "very" - as in very cool.

When it comes to temperature controls, Haze 2.5 really simplifies things. It doesn't offer a lot of options, just enough to get by. You have your lower temperature settings for those who prefer to vape at a lower temp and then you have your higher settings, which work well with both dry blends and concentrates. For concentrates, you really want to be using level 4, which is the highest setting. For dry blends, we tend to use level 3 at first and then crank it up to 4 near the end of our session - somewhat squeezing whatever's in there out before we call it quits.

Back to the cleaning for a second. When you have a portable vaporizer like the Haze, you really need to keep up with your cleaning. Fortunately, it's not only possible, it's also not that hard given that you have everything you need to get the job done - most of which is included with the purchase of every Haze vaporizer. One thing that you may want to keep handy is the tweezers that it comes with because when you don't always clean it as well and as often as you should, the mouthpiece sticks and the tweezers make it easy to grab it and pull it out. If it's really hard, as a tip, try heating it up first - this should loosen things up and allow you to pull it out with the tweezers it comes with.

Somehow, we almost forgot to mention one of the aspects of the Haze vapes that really makes them worthwhile portables: their user replaceable battery design. With it, you can swap a dead battery for a fresh one, keeping the vaping going where other vapes might otherwise tap out. This is a huge bonus and something we'd like to see more portable vape manufacturers incorporate into their designs. If you're not already with it, get with it because this is the future of vaping.

Size Can Be An Issue

If you really need something super small, this isn't it. You're going to want to take a look at something else because the Haze is pretty far from the smallest vape. But if you don't mind having a vape the size of a flask, it's not bad at all. We've never really found ourselves complaining because we always find ourselves simply happy to have a packed vape in our pocket that's ready to use, but we have to admit, it is quite large as far as portables go. This is really something that you'll have to figure out for yourself (whether it's too big for you).


We like it. Haze 2.5 is solid. But with the newer version, 3.0, already out, why bother? We prefer the new version so if you're trying to decide between the two, definitely go with the new one unless you find some incredibly awesome deal on the old one that's just too good to pass up.

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