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Portable Vape Review: Arizer Solo 2

We added our thoughts on another portable vaporizer, the new Arizer Solo, to our website. The last one was rock solid, the original Solo. Total beast during its tenure as one of the top portable vapes. But times have changed - and so has the new Arizer Solo! This thing is crazy good compared to some of the portables designed for dry blend we've used. It does the one thing we really care about the most in a dry blend vaporizer and that's this: produce good vapor, it does it well. So can you blame us for liking it? Obviously based on that alone, it's going to score well by our metrics as vapor quality is one of the most important variables when it comes to any vape and with this one, it's pure, tasty, and thick. You can also tone things down a bit and get some lighter vapor, but for those that want it, and we want it, it produces some seriously dense vapor - to the extent we'd say you can get some real clouds off this one. Very solid in that regard. But there are other aspects and almost all of them the new Solo scores well in, although there is one in particular where it doesn't do so hot and that's in the portability category.

How Portable Is The New Arizer Solo?

The Solo 2 is a good vaporizer, no question about it, but it's on the bulky side of things - there's also no question about that. How bulky? Well, it's less bulky than its predecessor, the original Solo, but it's still quite a bit bigger than say the Pax 3 or Magic Flight Launch Box - both of which are relatively small in comparison, the MFLB that much more so than the Pax. In reality, this is a portable vaporizer that we'd never describe as small like we might the MFLB, but we are able to fit it into our pockets for the most part. If you wear tight pants or just don't have very big pockets, you might have some issues, but otherwise, it tends to fit - even if just barely. It's not really a comfortable fit, but you can usually get it in there. Now if you happen to be wearing a winter coat with large pockets, you'll have no trouble whatsoever. Seeing as it's already that time of year for us, we have no trouble stashing it in a coat pocket and carrying it around until we're ready to vape. So it's not the most portable, but it'll do.

Arizer Solo 2 Portable Vaporizer

Image: The image above is of the Solo II, the latest portable vaporizer from Arizer and the newest in the Solo vaporizer line. As you can see, the digital display is big, easy to read, and capable of showing a multitude of information at any given time. With it, you can see the battery life, current temperature, set temperature, and more as it also allows access to the vaporizer's features menu.

What To Expect In Terms Of Vapor Quality

So this is an easy thing to illustrate. Imagine fairly large clouds of thick vapor that tastes as pure and delicious as whatever you put in it because that's what the vapor produced by the Arizer Solo II entails. It's quite magnificent in that regard. It really does an excellent job of producing the quality of vapor we usually look to a desktop to provide. It's right up there with some of the top desktop vaporizers, but not quite as legit as something like the Volcano, which is quite literally the best desktop vaporizer on the planet. But you get the point. It's really-really good for a portable vaporizer. Straight up some of the best vapor production we've seen in a portable. If only it were smaller... Joking. No, but seriously - it would be absolutely incredible if it were smaller. As it stands, with its size considered, its vapor quality is one of the driving factors in why we consider it to be one of the top portable vapes currently on the market.

What Are Others Saying About It

While we could cite the other vaporizer reviewers out there, we'd rather throw some promotion at, a vaporizer news website that has been so kind as to cover our progress to an extent. In particular, we'd like to make note of Vaporizer Wire's coverage of our latest review, our Arizer Solo 2 review, which you can find in all of its glory on our website. In their coverage of our Solo II vaporizer review, they note that the general consensus among other vaporizer review sites they assessed is that the Solo 2 is "one of the best" portables out right now. With high rankings from various vape reviewers, us included, it should come as no surprise to find that this is one solid portable, even more so than the original and here's why.

Why The New Solo Is That Much Better

Arizer did an excellent job with the original, but a lot of time has passed since it first came out. Years later, there are better on the market but it still manages to retain its status as one of the best vapor producers of the portables designed for dry blends, but even at that, it's not as good as some of the newer vapes that have hit the market since its release. But the new Solo takes this all into account and it doesn't come as a minor upgrade to upstage the original, it comes as a serious competitor to all new portable vaporizers and it does so by combining high quality vapor production, an awesome digital interface, and a price tag that's short of outrageous - the latter of which being something we're glad Storz & Bickel has repeatedly improved with their now numerous price reductions for their portable vaporizers. But to the specifics, the new Solo heats up faster than the original. It also heats up quick for that matter with its now less than 30 seconds heat up time. It also produces better vapor, which in itself is a huge reason to get the new one over the original. Being smaller than the original also adds appeal, although it unfortunately isn't really "that much" smaller than the original, if you know what we mean. However, we give Arizer props for keeping the oven the same size and yet reducing the overall size of the unit while dramatically improving it in virtually every conceivable way. Well done. But anyways, back to how it's better than the original - it also has a longer lasting battery, which means that much more vaping before you have to recharge it. And making just a small but somewhat important change to the design, Arizer decided to put the hole you plug into to charge it on the side of the vape instead of on the bottom so now it can sit upright while it's charging instead of laying on its side like the old one. Simple but smart.

The Digital Interface

We mentioned this but we wanted to explain it in more depth so here goes. The new Solo has a digital interface that lets you control the vape's features and temperature via a set of buttons and a large display. It's really easy to use. We can't stress that enough. Subsequently, we love the way that Arizer improved the temperature controls because this isn't only easier, it's better in every way. Instead of having seven temperatures preset for you, you now have a wide range between which you can select whatever temperature you want. And adding to just one more reason why the new version is better, something that we should have added in the last segment but forgot to, it actually has the ability to get hotter than the original, which is part of the reason why it's capable of producing such thick clouds. But as far as the digital interface goes, it's just a huge improvement upon the original and totally keeping with the times. So kudos to Arizer for putting together yet another solid vape, only something a bit more current with the times.

The Concentrates Variable

Can the Arizer Solo 2 vape concentrates? The answer is yes but should you? Maybe not. The reason why you might not want to is because it could very well void your manufacturer's warranty, which is a good one and not something you want to lose the guarantee of. So talk to them first - you know, before you do something you'll regret later. Not that you will if you follow our directions, just that you're better safe than sorry. So do what you will with this information but if something goes wrong, just remember: we warned you. So moving on, you can vape certain types of concentrates with the new Solo but you have to be careful not to try and vape anything that might run when it's heated because you don't want anything going down into your vape. But one solution to even this is to turn the vape completely upside down and use it with the glass water piece adapter. Either way, what you want to do is layer your blends. A layer of dry blend on the bottom, your concentrate in the middle, and then another layer of dry blend on the top. Obviously you want to grind your dried blends before inserting them into the stem. Also, if this wasn't crystal clear, it's best to stick to sticky concentrates that won't liquefy when you heat them. You don't want anything that'll run and obviously not liquid blends in general, although, a drop on some dry blend would work, we just absolutely would not advise it. If you really need a liquid vape, there are plenty of super compact vape pens to choose from that work great - this is really more of a dry blend vaporizer, end of story. So do with this information what you will - you can vape extract but you must be careful.

The Prepacked Stems: Something You'll Love

This is one of the big deals in our book: you can prepack the Solo 2 stems and then put caps on them to prevent anything from spilling. This way, you have them ready to go when you're ready to go. Super cool. Love the way this works out. You can even pass a friend a fresh stem fully packed and toss them the vape and let them have at it. It's a great way to share and a really cool feature for those who have a variety of different types of dried blends to choose from because creating a little variety pack of prepacked stems is definitely the way to go.

How Does It Compare To The Best Portables?

Ultimately, the question of how the new Solo stacks up against its top competitors in the portable vaporizer scene is a question best answered by reading the super comprehensive Arizer Solo 2 vaporizer review we shared on our website at, which is also where you'll find a more in-depth breakdown of how the whole Arizer Solo 2 VS Solo (Original) plays out. Exact heat up time differences, battery life differences, and all that. So if you really want to know why it's better or how it scored in comparison to other vaporizers, you're definitely going to want to take a look at our full review on our site. But because we don't want to leave you hanging after you came all this way, we will tell you this: the Solo II is one of the best dry blend portable vaporizers out right now. We love it, but we could do for a little size reduction and we wouldn't be complaining if it had a battery design that let you swap out the battery for a fresh one anytime the battery dies, this as opposed to having to plug it in to recharge it would be great. So there is room for improvement in our eyes, but right now, this is one of the best options on the market.

You can learn more about the Arizer 2 Solo on our website at - the same website where you can find reviews of other vaporizers, both desktop and portable, as well as reviews of vape accessories. Not to mention plenty of vape guides and news to keep you occupied for some time while you feed your need to consume more information about vapes and the subculture that surrounds it.

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