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Portable Vaporizer Review: Pax 3

Curious about the newest vaporizer from Pax Labs? We got you covered. This is a quick review of the Pax 3 vaporizer brought to you by Vaporizer Shark. So if you want to learn more, continue reading as we spill all the beans - or, check out our blog post about it on our main blog on WordPress.

This isn't your average run-of-the-mill portable vaporizer. It's a sophisticated piece of vaporizing technology that does more than your average portable and looks better doing it. One of the features that really sets it apart from the vapes of old is its ability to vape concentrated and dried blend types, which is a nice change of pace from the typical one or the other types of portable vaporizers that we've all grown accustomed to. But this isn't new, it's just Pax Labs keeping up with the times. In fact, DaVinci did it a while back with their Ascent, which they touted as a 3-in-1 vaporizer due to the fact that it can vape liquids, dried blends, and other forms of concentrates such as waxes. But the Pax doesn't actually do all this, it's a dual-use vape, which means it does concentrates and dried blends, but not liquids. Still, it has a lot to offer and that's what we'll get into next.

When we said this vape was smart -- or rather, "sophisticated" -- we meant what we said. This is a seriously intelligent vape, at least in comparison to most other portables on the market at this time. It borrows from the e-cig world its haptic feedback technology, which allows it to sense when it's in use. This allows it to help conserve blend by increasing the heat while it's in use and reducing it while it's not. Smart thinking, right? In addition to this, it comes with various modes that can further customize the application of heat as well as put it into what Pax likes to call "stealth" mode. You might be able to guess what that entails, but we'll explain it anyways. Basically, it dims the lights and heats the blend in such a way as to keep the odor to a minimum. Again, could a vaporizer be any smarter?

Pax obviously knows what people want from their vape, which is why the P3 is small, aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, easy to clean, and packed full of fun and useful features. Take, for example, its fifth temperature option. While a lot of vapes have preset temperatures, especially portables, the new Pax takes things a step further with its fifth temperature option - which is a temperature of the user's choosing. To set it, one need simply open the app that syncs with the device and to use it to set the desired temperature for the fifth setting. It can be changed at any time and the exact temperature can be selected from within the range that the vaporizer offers, which extends as far as 420 degrees Fahrenheit. The four preset temperature options that come programmed into the vape, the ones that cannot be changed, are as follows:

- Setting 1: 360°F

- Setting 2: 380°F

- Setting 3: 400°F

- Setting 4: 420°F

Note: While the manufacturer claims it takes around 15-20 seconds to heat up to these temperatures, our testing has found that it takes closer to around 30 seconds.

The modes available with this vape include the Standard setting, Flavor, Boost, Stealth, and Efficiency. These modes give you increased control over the heating element and take some of the guess work out of usage.

Then there are, get this, the games! And if you're wondering if they're fun, yes, the Pax 3 games are fun. Absolutely. Especially the one where you spin the Pax and let the vaporizer decide whose turn it is to vape. There are other fun games, but this one is our favorite. But games isn't what this vape is all about, although that's certainly part of it. What it's really about is producing vapor quickly wherever you are. It doesn't matter if you're on the train, walking through the woods, or just relaxing in your home - this vape is ready when you are. And when we say it's ready when you are, we mean this vape heats up really fast, a matter of seconds, not minutes. It's not the fastest to heat up but when you compare to the minute plus heat up times of some of the other vapes out there, its roughly 30 second heat up time is incredible. Say goodbye to waiting around and hello to vapor on demand.

Pax 3 Problems

Every review should have a section for the issues, or "cons" as some like to refer them. That's what this section is - a quick overview of the issues we've run into during our time testing the new Pax.

We haven't actually had any real problems with this vape and the only real issue we've heard of has to do with the concentrate attachment leaking, an issue that is, according to the Pax Labs website, not covered by the manufacturer's limited warranty. What a bummer. But we haven't had this issue so we're not sure if it's just an issue with some of the concentrate inserts or something to do with the way the users who experienced the issue were loading their concentrates. Either way, be careful cause the manufacturer's warranty does not cover issues caused by vaping concentrates. Outside of this, the only real issue that we've run into is the temperature of the mouthpiece when you're using it. It gets a bit hot. But if you use the flat mouthpiece instead of the raised one, you shouldn't have much of an issue with this. It's basically fine so long as you're using the flat one. Run into issues that we haven't? Use the comments section below to let us and our readers know about it!

DaVinci IQ VS Pax 3

This is a comparison that we just had to make. When you're talking about the Pax, the obvious competitor is the new IQ. Which one is better? A very tough question right there. The real answer is, whichever one is best for you. The best portable vaporizer for us might very well differ for you and that's just the truth of the matter. What you need to look at is the fact that the IQ, while its vapor is a bit better in our opinion, can only handle dry blends whereas the Pax handles extracts as well. Then there's the fact that the Pax is noticeably smaller, but the IQ somewhat counters that with its replaceable battery - a battery design that allows you to swap your dead battery for a charged one. In the end, both are good but the decision is yours: do you want a small vape that handles all your blends or a slightly bigger one with better vapor and a replaceable battery that lacks the ability to vaporize concentrates?

Learn More

Want to learn more about the Pax 3 vaporizer? Check out our review! Want to learn more about its rival the DaVinci IQ? You can click here for our DaVinci IQ review. Remember, the choice is yours, we're just here to help! So read our in-depth vaporizer reviews and decide for yourself what vape is right for you.

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