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This Is Actually Our Secondary Blog

Why the title of this is pretty self-explanatory, we just want to point out what might not be so obvious to the rest of you- that this is our second blog, or secondary blog. Our main blog, perhaps surprisingly, isn't hosted on our own website at but instead on a free hosting platform similar to Wix that is called WordPress. It is there, on WordPress's free website/blog hosting platform, that you can find our main blog. Here's a link:

There, on our primary blog that is both hosted by WordPress and run on their content management system (CMS), you'll find a lot of updates from us, Vaporizer Shark, and news about the vaping scene, vaping guides, and whatever else we might find interesting enough to share - like vaporizer photos, videos, and more.

So then, you might be wondering, why did we create this blog here on Wix? Well, the answer is simple but actually two-part. One, we wanted to test Wix and see what all the fuss was about. We'd seen the advertisements and wondered if it was really all that. We're pretty pleased but for now, we're just going to stick with using WordPress as our primary blogging platform and use this mostly for reason number two, which is to expand our reach. What is reach? Reach is how far our voice travels. By which we mean, how many people we can share our content with. Cause ultimately, we want folks to be aware of us, to consult us, and to learn from us and the only way we accomplish this feat is to expand our reach indefinitely - to the point that everyone who is interested in vaping knows about us. That way, our voice will be heard loud and clear. And by voice, we mean our collective voice, as we at Vaporizer Shark are essentially a collective of like-minded individuals who share a passion for vaping.

With that said, another reasonable question to ask might be: so then do you intend on getting much use out of this blog? Absolutely. We love it here on Wix. It's simple, easy to use, and the results are fairly impressive - at least aesthetically speaking as far as that last part is concerned. So of course we'll continue to use Wix to share what we do. In fact, you can expect a lot more updates to our blog here soon. So stay tuned!

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