Volcano Vape Review: Best In Class
What is the best desktop vaporizer in existence? Simple answer: The Volcano. In this review, we're going to tell you exactly how we reached that conclusion. So if you're interested in knowing why we strongly believe the Volcano to be the best plugin vape, continue reading.
Balloons Are Better
To those who haven't tried the best of the balloon vapes and the best of the whip vapes, it's probably not an easy conclusion to reach but after extensively testing the most widely acclaimed vapes from both categories, we can comfortably conclude that the balloon delivery method is superior. The whip, which is essentially a hose or tube used to carry vapor to the user, is the traditional delivery method. It works and in the case of the good desktop units, like Da Buddha and viVape 2, it works well. But when you compare it to the Volcano's balloon delivery method, it's obvious which is more convenient - the bag.

Some vaporizers that use the vaporizer balloon system for delivering vapor don't do that great of a job. One example is actually the viVape 2, which, just so there's no confusion, is a vape that does both the whip and the balloon (dual delivery). While the viVape vaporizer does have the ability to deliver vapor through a bag, it doesn't manage to pull it off with the same level of quality and ease of use as the Volcano. To be specific, its vapor is good, but not as good as the Volcano's. And its bag is okay, but the valve's implementation isn't nearly as slick as the Volcano's. What makes the Volcano Vaporizer's valve so nice is the fact that it's extremely convenient to use. In fact, you don't even do anything, you just hit the bag and when you do, your mouth presses up against the mouthpiece, which opens the valve. When your lips come off the mouthpiece, it closes. This way, you literally don't have to do anything except press it up against your mouth to take a draw and it'll open and close for you. Amazing. So convenient it makes other valves seem like they were implemented by children.
Then there's the overall convenience of not having to hit it right away. It's not like it's vaping while you're not vaping, as is the case with many vapes. None of that. As soon as you're done filling a bag, you detach the oven from the heating element so that it's not sitting there getting roasted, which helps conserve your blend. So in essence, you're sitting there, very relaxed, and taking draws of vapor that have been conveniently stored in a balloon. When you want a puff or a rip, it's there ready for you. When you want to take a break, you simply set it aside. For the online gamers out there, this is really one of the best vaporizers you'll find because as we all know, you can't pause online games but you can pause this vape and it'll be right there waiting for you when you're ready to resume your session.
The Controls
When it comes to controlling your vape, it's not always easy. Take for example the Magic-Flight Launch Box (MFLB), which requires you to manually control the temperature by pressing the battery in when you want it hotter. While it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a far cry from the ease of use found in vapes like the Volcano, which has a finely tuned digital temperature control system complete with large temperature adjustment buttons and a big display showing the set and current temps. With its super easy to use temperature controls, it's no surprise that the Volcano bodes well with users of all ages.
Options To Choose From
Right off the bat, you have to make a couple of major decisions. Do you want the Classic or the newer Digit? The Classic doesn't have the temperature controls we just mentioned. Its otherwise the same, but the display and buttons are nonexistent. Instead, they've been replaced with a dial - a knob you turn to set the temperature. While it's more of a guessing game as to what temperature you're on, the price tag of the Classic is considerably lower - an obvious reason why some opt for the slimmed down version. But for those who don't mind the higher cost, the Digit is generally the way to go. Its advanced temperature controls really are that much better and more so, it actually looks like something you might buy for as much money as it costs. Mind you, both Volcano vaporizers are seriously expensive as far as vape prices are concerned. So you'll want to choose wisely. But then there's another fact, the bag.
There are two types of bags to choose from. Well, bag and valve combos, that is. One version, the Easy Valve, offers bags that are already cut to a specific length so your balloon size is predetermined. The real benefit is that it's less of a hassle to deal with this valve kit because you don't have to cut the bags to length and you don't have to worry as much about cleaning seeing as the valves are meant to be tossed instead of cleaned. So once they're dirty, you toss 'em and use a new one. This is the lazier, more costly option.
The other option is the Solid Valve, which is a reusable valve kit that includes a roll of balloons that you cut to the size you want. If you want big bags, do it. If you want tiny bags, you can do that too. Whatever you want. And the valve itself, while it requires cleaning that the Easy Valve does not, is a bit more durable so you don't have to be quite as careful handling it.
That Giant Price Tag
For all that it offers, the price tag might seem steep and well, frankly, it is. It's a high price to pay. But if you want the best, it'll cost you. And in this case, quite a bit. So the price is high. Yes. There's no denying that. But if you can afford it, it's well worth it. And in the long run, especially if you're recycling your vape trash, it's worth every penny because you'll actually save money given how efficient it is in comparison to smoking (combustion). Want to learn more about the better of the two Volcano vapes, the Digit (digital version), then click here to check out our complete Digital Volcano review.
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