Portable Vaporizer Review: DaVinci IQ
Earlier this year, we got our hands on the new DaVinci IQ, which is one of those must-see vapes. The last one from the same company, DaVinci's Ascent, was a killer at the time of its release. Today, years later, it's still fairly popular but nowhere near as popular as the newly released IQ vaporizer, which we've really come to enjoy since we managed to get our paws on it. What really sets it apart from the rest of the crowd, beyond its obviously smart choice of materials, is its temperature control system. It's simple if you want it to be and much more complex if you care to take advantage of all that it offers. What we mean by this is that you can use it a fairly normal sense, just like you would any other digital vaporizer, but if you really want to fine tune your vaping experience, you can get in there, on the app, and configure custom heat cycles for your sessions. This way, you hit the temperatures you want when you want, without even have to think about it. Just program in a heating sequence and activate it when you're ready to go for a ride. But this advanced temperature programming feature and app aren't all that the IQ has to offer. In fact, it's packed with a wealth of features and between its numerous features and accessories, it's a hard vape to ignore.

One of the vaporizer accessories for the IQ that really has us excited is the Honeybird Core Nectar Collector. Cool name, right? Well, once you use it, you'll have an even deeper appreciation for what it entails because it's more than a name, it's a well made water filter that adds hydration and filtration to your vaporizer. Is it worth buying? Absolutely! This thing rocks. We talked a bit about the VaporBlunt 2.0 DLX in our last post here on this blog and with it in mind, what we saw was a cool concept with poor execution. The idea being a portable vaporizer that has the option of an added water filter. Sounds cool but what Vapor Blunt produced was, in our opinion, basically a joke. All gimmick, no bite. In the case of the IQ and the Nectar Collector, the combo is ruthlessly awesome. This is how it should be. DaVinci really did an awesome job of producing a portable vape that could really pump out the vapor needed to make sense of a hydro attachment. So if you get a chance, definitely give this combo a try - you will not be disappointed.
Then there's yet another aspect of this vape that makes us very happy with the way it was designed and that's the user changeable battery. With a lot of dry blend portable vaporizers, the battery is not accessible and is not designed to be replaced by the user. When we look at the other side of the vape industry, the eLiquid side, we see that a lot of the vape mods are designed so that the user can replace the battery. This, to us, is really smart given that nobody wants to wait around for their vape to recharge when they could be swapping its depleted battery out for a new one and getting to it. Which is why we really like this design. When the battery dies, pop it out, slide in a new one, and continue vaping. Easy as pie.
Just to clarify, you can still charge the battery while it's inserted into the vape, but it takes a while - about 3 hours to fully charge. But you also have the option of using an external battery charger. With extra batteries and a couple of ways to keep them charged, this is one vape that won't be running out of juice on you anytime soon.
Then there's the heat up time. How long does it take for the DaVinci IQ to heat up to vaping temperatures? According to its maker, just 16 seconds. But for us, we tend to use higher temperatures when vaping and so after some testing, we found that it takes closer to 45 seconds for it to reach vaping temperatures. This isn't long, especially considering many vapes take well over a minute to heat up their ovens. With that in mind, while it might not (for us, that is) be the 16 seconds DaVinci boasts, it's still easily fast enough if you ask us.
Then there's the aesthetics. This vape looks cool. No question about it, the IQ is a stylish piece of vaporizing technology - or what we like to call "vape tech." But to anyone who knows the Ascent Vaporizer, this probably doesn't come as a big surprise given that the Ascents look really-really cool themselves. But with the IQ, it's that much better. And not just appearance wise, the vape is basically better in every way. But there is a drawback. What's that, a problem? Not a problem, but the fact is, the IQ is not designed for concentrates, whereas the Ascent is. So if you want to vape concentrates, you may want to pickup another vape. But don't take that to mean that you absolutely can't vape concentrates, only that if you do, the manufacturer might very well void your warranty. So it's up to you. We would like to note that we have done so successfully, but we can't say whether or not doing so has voided our warranty coverage without first consulting DaVinci, which we have yet to do seeing as we haven't actually run into any issues that would warrant a call over to their customer service department. So you can do it, but be cautious. And as a piece of advice, avoid trying to use any liquids or anything that might run and mess up the internals. We like to sandwich our non-liquid concentrates, like wax, between layers of dry blend and it works great. But how you do it (or not do it) is up to you.
As far as vaping dry blends go, this thing is a killer. It works extremely well. It's one of those portables to helps us maintain our faith in the potential of portable vaporizers, as quite a few have proven to be utter disappointments.
So if you need a good vape for dry blends and you need it to be portable, you've found one right here. The IQ is it. There are others, but this is one of the best so keep it in mind while you're shopping for your next portable.
For more information about this vape and to see not only how we rated it, but how it compares to other vaporizers, take a look at the full review we published on our site. You'll find pictures, video, and a whole lot more information. So if you want to know more, don't hesitate, check out our review. And if it doesn't seem to be quite what you're looking for in your next vape, we have other vape reviews that can help steer you in the right direction - the direction of your dream vape. You know, that vaporizer you always wanted but wasn't sure how to find. That's why we exist, to help you find the best vapes for your own personal needs. So check us out at VaporizerShark.com if you're interested in finding that vape you always wanted or if you just want to learn more about vaporizers.